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Il Comitato Didattico
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Il Comitato Didattico
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Rispetto all’alfabeto italiano, formato da ventuno lettere, quello inglese ne contiene:
I nomi non numerabili:
hanno il singolare e il plurale;
possono avere il verbo al singolare e al plurale;
possono essere preceduti da a o an;
possono essere usati con many o con a few.
In inglese l’articolo indeterminativo a/an, davanti ai nomi indicanti un mestiere o una professione:
I pronomi relativi italiani «che/ il quale/ la quale/ i quali/ le quali» corrispondono in inglese a:
il participio passato si accorda col soggetto, quando è coniugato con avoir, se è seguito da un complemento oggetto il participio rimane invariato (Mon équipe a gagné deux matchs); invece il participio deve concordare con quest’ultimo nelle frasi interrogative (Quels livres vous-avez achetés?).
In inglese la regola per formare il superlativo di maggioranza è:
Taluni aggettivi e avverbi di uso comune hanno forme irregolari per il comparativo e il superlativo, un esempio è Good che diventa:
In inglese gli aggettivi possessivi non sono mai preceduti dagli articoli determinativi e indeterminativi, né dagli aggettivi dimostrativi, numerali e indefiniti.
In inglese l’idea di possesso può essere resa con la «preposizione of + complemento» oppure con il cosiddetto:
“I genitori di John e quelli di Ann sono molto giovani“, in inglese diventa:
L’imperativo si forma riprendendo la coniugazione del presente indicativo senza pronome personale soggetto, ha solo tre forme che corrispondono a tu, nous e vous.
Gli avverbi di modo indicano come avviene un’azione e rispondono alla domanda:
Nei numeri da 21 a 99 le unità si uniscono alle decine con:
In inglese, nelle espressioni utilizzate per chiedere o indicare l’ora il verbo si coniuga sempre al singolare.
Il sistema imperiale britannico prevede come «unità di peso o di massa»:
Il present perfect di to be si forma con il:
Se adoperato con determinati aggettivi, può indicare condizioni fisiche e psichiche in espressioni del tipo: avere sonno, essere stanco, avere fame, essere arrabbiato. Di quale verbo si tratta?
Quale verbo ordinario si utilizza per esprimere un obbligo, assumendo il significato di “dovere”?
E’ un presente semplice con il significato di «potere» come indice di abilità e capacità, nel senso di «saper fare» o «avere la possibilità di fare» una determinata cosa:
Shall e will sono verbi difettivi adoperati per formare il futuro di tutti i verbi ordinari. In particolare:
I verbi inglesi si contraddistinguono per tre voci principali, che ne costituiscono il cosiddetto «paradigma»
Il presente continuato o progressivo (present continuous) equivale alla forma italiana «io sto + gerundio» e si costruisce con il:
Costituiscono una delle componenti fondamentali della lingua inglese; possono essere utilizzati in tantissime situazioni quotidiane; la loro traduzione non sempre è quella letterale e possono risultare difficili da immagazzinare nel proprio vocabolario:
Where did they all … after the party? (Choose the correct verb form to complete the following sentences)
Mark isn’t at work today, so I think he … be ill. Which of the following alternatives CANNOT be used to complete these sentences?
want to go to the cinema with my friends this evening, &? (Put in the missing verb forms)
What’s your sister like? Which is the right answer for this question?
Choose the correct sentences:
I always forget … my cheques. (Complete the following sentences)
My new car, … I have just brought home, is very fast. (Fill in the blanks with the correct alternatives)
Paul is in the garden, he … some flowers. (Fill in the blanks with the right words)
Next August they … to Paris because they want to improve … French. (Complete the following sentences)
I don’t feel well”. “You had better … working so hard”. (Insert the correct verb forms)
They will … study very hard if they want to succeed. (Complete the sentences correctly)
I am happy to be … friends again. (Complete the sentences correctly)
Why don’t you … dancing? It’s fun! (Choose the correct alternative)
Which of the following sentences does NOT contain a “prepositional verb”?
A Shop Robbery
In Brighton yesterday a shop assistant (a) …… to hand over £1,000 after (b) …… by a man with a knife. The
man was wearing a black helmet and a black leather jacket. He escaped in a red car which (c) …… earlier in
the day. The car (d)…… in a car park where it had been abandoned by the thief. A man was arrested in
connection with the robbery and (e) …… by the police.
The Apple Pie
Beth: What are you doing?
Hellen: (a) …… a cake! Actually a chocolate cake!
Beth: Hmmmm! Where and when did you learn to cook?
Hellen: Well, I am taking a cookery course. It is very interesting! And I must prepare a dish for tomorrow.
Beth: So that isn’t for (b) ……! Oh, no!
Hellen: Don’t worry! If this comes out good, I will make another one tomorrow afternoon and we will eat it
Beth: That’s an idea! Hellen: (c) …… me the sugar, please!
Beth: The sugar? Well, I forgot to tell you but I finished it last night and this morning I didn’t have time to
buy any!
Hellen: You are joking, (d) ……? Beth: I’m afraid I’m not. Sorry!
A Visit to the Zoo
I (a) …… to a safari zoo before, so when Paul asked me to go, I was very excited! I did not sleep well and at
5:00 a.m. I was already up and ready to go. It took about three hours to reach the zoo and at 10:00 a.m. we
were at the entrance gate. Paul was driving slowly but at first it was really difficult to see animals. Then,
suddenly we saw something running (b)…… the field and, to our surprise, we saw a small monkey looking at
us! It was so funny! Then, soon after that, I saw an ostrich! It is (c) …… bird on earth even if it cannot fly! Its
eggs are enormous, much like the size of a football! But the most beautiful animal I saw that day was the
elephant! It is magnificent! The park is huge so we stopped for a drink now and again. There are (d) ……
dangerous animals. I took (e) …… pictures there and I enjoyed the visit very much!
At the Immigration Office
When we (a) …… in London last summer, we were taken to the immigration office where the official (b) ……
us why we were visiting the country, and we told him that we (c) …… holiday. Then he wanted to know
how long we (d) …… to stay and where we would be staying during our visit in the United Kingdom. He also
asked to see our passports and (e) …… a few form to complete with the requested information.
Most equations, including higher-order (a) …… and all (b) …… the simplest trigonometric equations,
can’t be solved analytically (i.e. by algebraic manipulation). Iterative methods (c) …… find approximate
solutions. The process consist of finding two points between which a root exists and using iteration to find a
more accurate solution. An iterative formula is a rule (d) …… from an approximate solution xn to the next,
hopefully better one xn+1. (e) …… the rule is “iterating”.
The demographics of ISIS are diverse; it has members of different ages, ethnicities, and agendas.
Former followers of Saddam Hussein’s Baathist regime in Iraq make up a substantial portion of the
organization. Following US intervention,.…. (continues the sentence)
In 2003, a site named MySpace took the Internet by storm. It quickly became popular among young
users and the rest was history. Soon everyone was trying to develop a social networking site. The sites ….
(continues the sentence)
What is a “Mullah”?
Divergent long-term growth patterns lead to radical shifts in the relative size of economies. The United
States is expected to cede its place as the world’s largest economy to China, in the next years. India’s Gross
Domestic Product (GDP) is also expected to pass that of the United States over the long-term. Combined,
the “two Asian giants”…. (continues the sentence)
. The Kyoto Protocol is an international agreement linked to the “United Nations Framework Convention
on Climate Change”, which commits its Parties by setting internationally binding emission reduction
targets. Recognizing that developed countries ……” (continues the sentence)
“Globalization” is the tendency of businesses, technologies, or philosophies to spread throughout the
world, or the process of making this happen. The global economy …. (continues the sentence)
If your cell phone goes off in the middle of an interview, you can pretty much kiss the job goodbye
When in doubt,…..(continues the sentence)
“Good morning, my name is Ms Martin. You’ve applied for the Laboratory Assistant’s position, right?”.
What is the best answer during an interview?